Saturday, March 26, 2011

the problem is what?

I want to move back home. Getting to see my family a few weeks ago and enjoying everyone’s company just helped to solidify it. I’ve wanted to move back for years now.   I’ve had this nagging feeling that my folks won’t be around for very long and I’ll regret not seeing them more often.

Seeing my folks—older and frail, made me feel awful.

So what's’ the problem?

1. I hate San Antonio, Texas

2. Don’t want to be a part of all the family gossip—extended family I mean. I left home when I was 18 and can’t say I miss it.

3. Don’t have a job there—and as you know  (like most of you) I need to spend my own cash!!

4. Hubs is beyond happy with his career here.

5. Hubs said I could pack up and go by myself, he’d get a condo in DC until he could find a job in San Antonio. Market there is not all that great…so I’d imagine that would take a great while.

I don’t want to be selfish and take that offer up. But then I do.

fuck fuck fuck.

6. I get the feeling that when my kiddo leaves me for college I’ll fall part and perhaps abandon ship. How selfish is that?

How do I keep my family together and still get back home?


  1. *sigh* that's a tough one...and yet.. mine are around all the time and soooooooooooo wish I could escape most times! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Its tough i agree all i can say is try to take more trips home maybe on the weekends like every 5 to 7 months maybe. i know after i retired i went to tn and ga alot more than i ever did in the last 22 years. i dont know if southwest has any cheap flights but its an idea.

  3. I am not a font of wisdom, as well you know. But as an outsider to the problem, I can see this: you miss your folks, and they are aging. If you move back for them, and then they pass away, what else is there for you in San Antonio?

  4. when you figure it out, let me know. I'm sort of in the same boat- I want to go back home!!

    Askammy, maybe she has some inight...
